PrismScroll 6.22.0

  1. Character icon is shown by default if you have one
  2. Spells are resorted (alphabetically/level) in level up when you add a cantrip or spell to your list

PrismScrollWeb 2022-22

  1. Fixed some issues with payment and you can now access your Stripe customer portal for easier account management
  2. Textboxes in creation forms have been made more consistent
  3. Numberfields and textfields in creation forms have been standardized
  4. Level 0 features wont display their level on a card
  5. Selection group special effects! You can now add selection groups to your features in your sheet to better see your selections for things like fighting styles and metamagic augments

PrismScroll Pathfinder 2.22.0

  1. Fixed an issue with 1E character creation skills